Fancy yourself a winner? Find all the current SleepMaker promotions below.
Give a review of your recent SleepMaker mattress purchase and grab yourself a set of SleepMaker sheets valued at $99RRP!
This promotion starts on 1st July 2024 and ends midnight on 31th October 2024.
Registration closes midnight 10th November, 2024.
Embrace serenity and enjoy undisturbed nights with Sleepy’s.
Experience bespoke comfort and
support with up to 50% off our pocket spring mattresses.
Visit our mattress experts in stores today to find the right mattress for you.
Save… and save again!
Half price on all SleepMaker mattresses – all sizes, all feels.
Get up to 40% off all bedroom furniture – shop from our range of bed frames, bedsides, tallboys and more.
Hurry, ends Sunday!