A basic understanding of how your back works may help you work out what’s causing your pain and hopefully help you fix it for good.
Most acute pain in the cervical spine is caused by a muscle, ligament or tendon strain and will often heal with time and non-surgical treatments.
Most lower back pain is caused by muscle strain. Even though a muscle strain doesn’t sound like a serious injury, trauma to the muscles and other soft tissue in the lower back can cause severe back pain.
Fortunately, back pain is usually not the result of a significant injury or disease and can be treated, and even prevented, through making simple changes to your diet, exercise routine, posture, core strength and your mattress. Our performance mattresses provide far more than alternatives like a basic mattress in a box or less expensive foam mattresses. They are available with pocket springs, ActiveSence, and even the renowned Australian SleepMaker Miracoil.
To learn more about back pain and how to find relief, download our free guide Living with back pain? How to sleep better and get on with your life.