Ten easy tips to sleep better at night

Tossing and turning throughout the night or laying wide awake in bed for hours is a common struggle for many Australians. Sleep is so important to our well being and can make the difference between feeling energised or exhausted.

  1. Make sure you’re sleeping in the right type of bed for you. This is the single best thing you can do to improve your sleep. Since you spend around a third of your life in your bed, it pays to make sure it’s right for your body. Try our Mattress Selector for help to find the right mattress for your body.
  2. Avoid your TV, iPad, cellphone and computer for at least half an hour before you go to bed. Backlit devices stimulate and stop you from falling into a deep sleep quickly.
  3. Limit your overall caffeine intake and don’t have any after 11am each day. Caffeine can stay in your body for up to eight hours after you consume it.
  4. Don’t eat a big meal just before bed and be weary of your evening sugar intake. Aim to eat your main meal before 7pm, so your body has ample time to digest your food before you hop into bed. Also, be careful about snacking after dinner, particularly snacks high in sugar as these can cause sleeplessness and restlessness.
  5. If you have allergies, make sure that your bedroom is low in triggers – particularly your mattress and pillows. Old mattress accumulates allergens such as dust mites, pollen particles, bacteria, mould or mildew. Make sure that your bed is less than ten years old and if in you are really struggling, consider a mattress with hypoallergenic properties.
  6. Avoid napping during the day – it causes disruption to your sleeping patterns.
  7. During summer we often wake up because we are too hot. You can open a window or turn a fan on to get cooler, but if that doesn’t work look into investing in a new mattress designed to help regulate your body temperature.
  8. Learn how exercise impacts your sleep. Not exercising enough will impact your sleep quality, and exercising in the morning is best for falling into a deep sleep in the evening.
  9. Establish a sleeping pattern and stick to it, even on the weekend. Consistency is important in achieving a healthy night’s sleep so you feel energized and refreshed for the day.
  10. Stop trying to multitask while in bed. Your bed needs to be about sleep and sleep only. Don’t spend time on anything that may alert your mind and keep you awake. Instead focus on your bed being the place that for rest and deep sleep.
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